Antonio Salvucci



Software developer | Data Scientist | IT Manager


Problem Solving


s4lb04 has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    Genomsys•  December 2019 - April 2022

    - Conception, design and implementation of software tools and applications performing genomic data compression (MPEG-G standard) by using C/C++, Python and Java programming languages. - Genomic data compression validation and implementation of MPEG-G based genomic pipelines - Benchmarking, validation and testing of software packages, both in development and in the release phase - Maintainer of Debian and Redhat based packages of the company software - Management, implementation, and administration of the com- pany IT infrastructure both in terms of hardware and software systems (GNU/LINUX SERVERS, GIT, VPN, JIRA, CONFLUENCE, BAMBOO, JENKINS, NEXTCLOUD, DHCP, DNS, WEB SERVICES, GOOGLE WORSPACE) - IT technical support to staff members (configuration of desktop/laptop - WINDOWS, OSX, LINUX - and other IT devices), key external stakeholders, and clients - Management and implementation of storage systems and backup strategies, including disaster recovery plans

  • PostDoc Fellow

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong•  June 2015 - September 2019

    Developing algorithms (mostly C++ based with running interface in Python) for physics and statistical analysis, in the context of the search for neutral heavy particles and the Higgs boson fiducial and differential cross section measurements within the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Doing data simulation and modeling using Monte Carlo generators (extensive usage of Python). Providing user support for Monte Carlo simulation making use of the Jira software. Managing time and people (priority setting, weekly meetings organization) and supervising students. Technical and editorial participation in writing papers for prestigious scientific journals.

  • Junior Scientist

    Radboud University Nijmegen•  April 2014 - January 2015

    Research projects aimed to measure the Higgs boson properties and study the detector performance of the ATLAS experiment. Main activities: numerical and statistical analysis of the data collected by the ATLAS experiment within the ATLAS Higgs group, high-level software development, maintenance of core, analysis and statistical packages, usually written in C++ and interfaced with python. Tasks: design and maintenance of analysis and statistical software packages, write cross-platform software (Linux/Unix and MacOS), optimize memory usage and improve time consuming, and write the corresponding documentation, improve multivariate algorithms previously developed, data simulation and modeling making use of Monte Carlo generators.

  • PhD Candidate

    Radboud University•  February 2011 - April 2014

    esearch projects aimed to discover the Higgs boson and measure its properties. All activities carried out pointed to achieve this 60-years-awaited milestone. Main activities: numerical and statistical analysis of the data, high-level software development, maintenance of core, analysis and statistical packages, usually written in C++ and interfaced with python, study of the performance of the muon tracking system of the ATLAS experiment, investigation of the usage of new multi-core solutions for physics analyses. In addition: participation at doctoral schools, speaker at national and international conferences, academic activities. Main Tasks: design and maintenance an analysis packages focused on signal detection, development statistical analyses making use of multivariate techniques, data simulation and modeling making use of Monte Carlo generators, teaching Assistant in physics laboratories and C++ programming courses at the Radboud University


  • Radboud University of Nijmegen

    Physics, PhD•  2011 - 2014

  • University of Roma "Tor Vergata"

    Physics, MS•  September 2006 - September 2010

  • University of Roma "Tor Vergata"

    Physics, BS•  September 2002 - September 2006


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