ruanitodiego has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
EduSynch•  May 2022 - Present•  Remote
Work on LTI API third-party integration on Moodle, Canvas, and L2L. Setting tests suits with RSpec and running on GitHubAction. Create a streaming server with WebRTC and NodeJS to store video and audio in S3. Improve application performance by changing expensive tasks to use background jobs with Sidekiq and implementing endpoint caches with Redis. Mock stream video interface with React.
Software Engineer
Decisiv•  December 2021 - March 2022•  Remote
Work on the Michelin Dedicate team to implement new features, integrate with external APIs, implement the billing system, and maintain the legacy integration. Improve software quality with new unit tests (RSpec) and standardize the code review and architecture. Create alerts with Humio and Bugsnag.
Software Engineer
Abbiamo•  February 2021 - December 2021•  Curitiba, Brazil
Responsible for hiring, performing assessment, feedback, and mentoring. Work on architecture, tools, and cloud platform. Build the API with NestJS and deploy using Serverless Framework.
Software Engineer
EBANX•  September 2018 - February 2021•  Curitiba, Brazil
Development and maintenance of financial and payment processing systems. Development of checkout pages used by hundreds of end-users in different countries.
Software Engineer
Hostgator•  April 2017 - September 2018•  Florianopolis, Brazil
Developing, scaling, and maintaining the host and application. Development of new addons for multiple applications.
Software Developer
Inovare•  December 2014 - September 2017•  Curitiba, Brazil
Fullstack developer, developed, modeled, and migrated data. Developer new features.
Software Developer
C3SL•  January 2012 - October 2015•  Curitiba, Brazil
Develop features, integrate new systems, create script for automatization services and function tests.
Computer Science•  January 2011 - January 2016