Eric Taylor



Full Stack & Big Data Engineer


Problem Solving
Days of Code


Work Experience

  • Senior Software Engineer

    3D Printing Company•  February 2018 - March 2020

    • I architected, built, and managed a website for the 3D-Print quoting system where users can manage 3D models, materials, and environments and order 3D-Printing, using React, ThreeJS and Django REST framework. • In front-end development, I used the Redux for application state management, Redux-Saga for dispatching asynchronous actions. • In back-end development, I used JWT customized authentication and Celery for periodic tasks. • Using ThreeJS, I built a module for managing 3D models, importing and exporting them to public 3D file types, environment and shadows, and operations between 3D models. • I built a standalone module for scraping 3D material prices and defining material prices using PyQT, BeautifulSoup and Pandas. • I used Git/GitHub for project version control, task management, and issue tracking, and Slack/Hangout for communication and project discussion. • I used AWS Elastic Beanstalk, EC2, S3, and RDS for project deployment, and managed Linux servers.


  • Tianjin University of Technology

    Computer Science, BS•  May 2011 - August 2015


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