rodrigo_portilio has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Senior Software Engineer
HSystem•  March 2017 - Present
Position: Head Of Software Development I was been worked as Team Lead with a team of +24 people, being some developers, QA, DevOps, and UX/UI Designer. During this period I helped build new applications and maintain the current in continuous evolution, using the best patterns and technology. I helped create the 3 new sectors being them: - Sector QA to realize tests and guarantee releases with better quality. - Sector of DevOps to care for infrastructure and work with a focus in reduce costs. - Sector of UX/UI Designer with the responsibility create and maintain applications with better design and usability. Position: Backend .NET I worked with e-commerce solutions building and maintaining applications web and integrations with several APIs. Tools and Language Programming C#, Asp.Net Core, Asp.Net MVC, Asp.Net Web API, MySql, MongoDB, Redis, S3, EC2, Windows Server, Linux, Jira, BitBucket, Git, Kibana, Elasticsearch, AWS...
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