Robert Boscacci

United States


Media-Focused Data Scientist


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Work Experience

  • Data Science Lead

    Butter Works•  September 2020 - April 2022

    Completed dozens of bespoke social video data analysis projects in collaboration with top media brands and blue chip tech clients. Drafted project proposals and commissioned, trained, and managed freelancers to handle overflow project demand and label data. Developed a proprietary Python library for quickly identifying emergent trends on popular social video platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube harnessing computer vision, NLP, and web scraping.

  • Data Scientist

    CKM analytix•  February 2019 - March 2020

    - Undertook training on data analysis principles including hypothesis testing, NLP, model building, and making big data queries with PySpark. I used this understanding to bring test coverage for internal data science libraries from less than 10% to over 80%. Worked with a collaborative team, learning and teaching through writing and presentations. This resulted in improvements to our automated CI/CD pipeline as I shared my AWS knowledge with the data science department. Created visualizations using tools such as D3 and Plotly to make data (such as call volumes in a service desk) interactive for B2B clients. Maintained the company’s flagship IT service desk management application. This included critical bug fixes and new feature development for an application that involved a database and data analysis using SQL and custom business logic.

  • Data Science

    Flatiron School•  October 2018 - February 2019

    A bootcamp course in Python programming, probability, statistics, and machine learning. Learned best practices for data mining, cleaning, and exploratory data analysis. Studied feature engineering techniques and explored popular machine learning models. Practiced implementations for regression, classification, and clustering.

  • Junior Colorist & Dailies Technician

    Harbor Picture Company•  September 2016 - June 2018

    Color graded, transcoded, and archived raw footage from large-budget film sets often exceeding terabytes nightly. Represented the company on months-long remote assignments to handle all footage for Netflix feature film productions in Honolulu and Bogotá. Worked directly with clients in one-on-one creative post- production sessions and wrote scripts to automate repetitive tech tasks.


  • Santa Clara University

    Communications, BA•  September 2010 - June 2014


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