Work Experience
Remote senior ROR Developer
IZEA•  April 2022 - Present•  Florida, US
Oauth: Third party authentication using APIs (like oauth with twitter, facebook, tiktok, twitch, google analytics etc), Fetching data from ElasticSearch, Aws for cloudwatch logs, updating and fetching secrets, AI: Text to speech conversion, AI: Talking portrait language detection, Hubspot: Add Events, imgx: tagging, showing images, SNS - to send messages
Remote senior ROR Developer
Rhino New York LLC•  April 2021 - April 2022•  New York, US
Developed Generic and reliable Report generation Module, Sidekiq Periodic workers, used Partner APIs (Yardi, RealPage etc) for Integrations and Enablement in Rhino platform
Remote senior ROR Developer
Thrillophilia•  March 2020 - April 2021•  Jaipur
Extensive and varied contributions to the company's website and internal product framework, Gem development
Remote ROR Developer
ATH Systems LLP•  August 2017 - August 2019•  Pune
Worked on different project like Workplex- Security Monitoring Application, Eyescience, Pollinate INC
Remote Ruby on Rails Developer
Groundbreaker•  August 2016 - April 2017•  Pune
Developed a real estate funding platform using Ruby on Rails
Remote ROR developer
Tracaid Systems•  November 2014 - April 2015•  Pune
Lead a team to build a manpower management platform.
Team Lead
Persistent Systems•  March 2005 - March 2014•  Pune
Worked with different technologies and domains. Developed various applications for IBM, ITM, Wells Fargo, Spock, and Aurora. Ported an online test application (TestMate) on Rails 2.x UI for IP Development
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