Subham Karmakar



Electrical, 2022


Problem Solving


Work Experience

  • Tech Team Head

    Kshitij, IIT Kharagpur•  August 2019 - July 2021

    • Headed a team of 6 making the website of Kshitij 2021. Maintained and updated the website during peak hours, with over 1M visitors. • Conducted a two-month-long Web Development Summer Workshop in 2020 to select members of the Technical Subheads Team. • Interviewed and selected the Technical Team Heads for Kshitij 2022, based on their vision and past performance as Technical Subheads.

  • Software Engineer

    Huawei•  May 2021 - July 2021

    • Developed libraries with 42 other interns that help Android developers in building apps for Harmony OS devices with the same codebase. • Explored AOSP in a team of 6, created wrapper classes in JAVA and XML that ports the Android components and libraries to Harmony OS. • Tested the libraries using a test app and Junit testing to resolve bugs and ensure that it works similarly to its equivalent Android library.

  • Software Engineer

    WhichCollege•  April 2020 - May 2020

    • Developed an Android app that simplifies admission into foreign universities by organizing everything in one app instead of 5 different apps. • Built the UI/UX and implemented features such as creating a post, commenting, upvoting, and fetching WordPress blogs in a team of 4. • Used React Native, AWS, explored and used open-source libraries like React Native Youtube, MapView, Lottie, and React Navigation.


  • IIT, Kharagpur (Indian Institute of Technology)

    Electrical Engineering, B.Tech•  July 2018 - Present

    Majoring in Electrical Engineering, Minoring in Computer Science and Engineering


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