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Work Experience
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Technical University of Lodz
Robotics and Automation, PhD•  October 2003 - February 2011
PhD Thesis: "Production optimization method in a no-wait flow shop system based on an example of a galvanizing plant", Institute of Automatic Control, Faculty of Electric, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, The aim of this work was to find a versatile method of task scheduling in both open and closed production cycles in a nowait flow shop system. The scheduling method is tailored for a galvanization process. This means that the constraints of the technological process, such as the limited time for transportation between the production tasks, were taken into account. The research part of the work contains a simulation performed on an example production line. The analysis of the relation between the topology and the effectiveness of a line was performed. Moreover, the estimation of the time required for the calculation was done.
Technical University of Lodz
Computer Science, M.Tech•  April 2003 - October 2004
Technical University of Lodz
Robotics and Automation, M.Tech•  October 1998 - September 2003
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