Work Experience
Software Engineering Intern
Creasoft IT S.R.L.•  July 2024 - September 2024•  Bucharest, RO
Developed a web app that helps companies manage employee attendance and track data like office location and breaks, improving operational efficiency. Cooperated with testers outside of my field and incorporated their feedback in an agile environment. Built expertise in full-stack development using a modular approach with C# backend in the Core layer and Angular in the Web layer, integrating them through the Application layer.
Web Developer
Contracted Freelancer at Edu Plus S.R.L.•  September 2023 - November 2023•  Bucharest, RO
Built an internal web application for the company’s online platform, automating question uploads for medical residency exams. Utilized modern web technologies such as Next.js and PostgreSQL to streamline the process and ensure scalability.
Software Developer
Freelancer on Upwork•  September 2022 - April 2023•  Bucharest, RO
Created a JavaScript market analyzer and trader for cryptocurrency assets, making numerous trades per minute and generating a profit of 4000 USD within two months. Handled an enterprise communication solution by writing a program in Python to transition a company’s chat logs from Slack to Discord, dropping related communication costs to 0. Collaborated with 7+ clients across fields like cryptocurrency, data science, and web development, completing projects that expanded technical expertise in JavaScript, Python, and Rust.
Delft University of Technology
Computer Science & Engineering, BS•  September 2023 - Present•  GPA: 3.7