Work Experience
Chief Marketing Officer
Publicis Romania•  August 2016 - Present
Working hand in hand with creative teams to design and sell custom and innovative proposals o Providing leadership and insights in the event production process (concept/customer activations/ brand experiences) â–ª Work with teams to establish events format, develop budgets, negotiate contracts, terms monitoring progress & event execution from scratch to the end. â–ª Identifying and controlling the technical team engaged in project, logistics & productions, venue proposals, vendors selection, entertainment & catering â–ª Structuring and managing digital events, driving registration, customizing digital platforms in order to achieve all the parameters of expectations; some of my last digital events implemented: - digital events for multinational companies in a TV shows format - digital conferences starting from 200 guests up to 1000 - entertainment shows offline implemented with online digital streaming in multiple locations
National Field & Event Manager
Wave•  December 2014 - August 2016
Overseeing and developing the main duties of Regional Managers Dep, Project Management Dep and Recruiting Dep, in order to provide an excellent execution and implementation of entire policies o Interviewing and recruiting main candidates from the national structure, implementing training programs, and evaluate employee’s performance to make sure they have a full understanding of their responsibilities ▪ Planning, budgeting and supervising instore and events projects developed nationwide, working closely with regional teams and permanently upgraded procedures customized them for each project specifics o Returning field reports: performance indicator for each project developed, marketing analysis and competitor mapping, brand positioning o Assessing and reporting the risks of the projects to the Client Service Manager and Operational Manager, intended with a set of recommendations
Business Administration, B.Tech•  September 2002 - July 2006
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