rarang171219 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Vector India Pvt. Ltd.•  February 2024 - Present•  Bengaluru
Doing Professional Course in the Embedded Domain.
Operations Trainee
ProcMart•  January 2023 - August 2023•  Kolkata
Identify the client’s ordering opportunities. Managed end-to-end supply chain operational process.
Xebia IT Architects•  June 2022 - July 2022•  Remote
Worked on Real Time Crime Analysis and Identification. Developed the real time model to predict the crime at a given location. Performed Data Preprocessing and analysis.
University of Petroleum & Energy Studies
B. Tech CSE with specialization in Big Data•  August 2019 - May 2023•  CGPA: 8.38
Krishna Public School
Intermediate•  April 2017 - March 2018•  Percentage: 75.2
St. Xavier’s High School
Matriculate•  April 2015 - February 2016•  Percentage: 87.6