raphael_chalica1 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
Omie et Cie• April 2021 - Present
End of studies internship - Fullstack development in Ruby Development of the data model to stick to the business logic. - Interface to generate and print order preparation slips. - Algorithm for updating stocks via the automatic generation of invoices on Salesbinder. - Development of a supplier interface to record product price information.
Software Engineer
MailPlus Australia• April 2020 - August 2020
Integration within the IT team. Development of internal interfaces including a ticketing system, and a profit calculation platform for the franchisees. Development on NetSuite, and use of Bootstrap, JQuery and Datatables.
Software Engineer
Serfim T.I.C.• January 2020 - March 2020
As part of the "Centrale Digital Lab" program, with 3 other students we must optimize the connection of new homes to fiber optics. For this we have developed a plugin with Python for the QGIS open source software. This makes it possible to apply clustering algorithms taking into account the constraints established by the user.
Software Engineer
Skilder• November 2019 - January 2020
As part of the "Centrale Digital Lab" program, with 3 other students, we have developed a web application to recognize the speaker during audio recordings where several people are talking simultaneously. The application produced with the React framework uses machine learning modules (Kaldi) and analytical analysis with the Parselmouth module from Python.
Ecole Centrale de Lyon
Computer Science & Engineering, MS
raphael_chalica1 has not updated skills details yet.