Bharghav Baddam

United States


Masters Student at University at Albany


Problem Solving


ramreddy_bhargav has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Programmer Analyst Inter, Research IT

    The Jackson Laboratory•  June 2019 - August 2019

    • Developed standardized data model that is used for all research labs and rolled out to at least 2 out of 70 research labs as a result labs now have a system to store their data. • Data Model extension pattern with a prototype and supporting documentation so that researchers can track custom data and inventory processing. • Data Security so researchers can only see their own inventory and data, publish/share inventory and data explicitly. • Automated the archiving of gene sequence data by writing the Python/Flask based microservices. • Adherence to agile methodologies as used by the Jax Research IT team (Scrum, Kanban, Scaled Agile for Enterprises.

  • Senior Systems ENgineer

    Infosys Ltd•  February 2016 - June 2018

    • Carried out development of Multi-Tier JEE applications in a test-driven development and maintained it without break down for several months. • Avoided breakdown of product workflow by efficiently validating the product journey by implementing Workflow Custom Conditions, Validators. • Improved rework time on the code by fixing various bugs in the product during the implementation of the user story. • Efficiently developed software systems by using tools such as SVN for version control, JIRA for user story updates and Agile methodology.


  • State University of New York (SUNY)

    Computer Science, MS•  August 2018 - Present

    Masters in Computer Science


ramreddy_bhargav has not updated skills details yet.