rajesh9878619 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Data Science Intern
BrainOvision•  May 2023 - July 2023•  Hyderabad
Learnt to clean, preprocess, and analyze datasets using tools like Python and SQL. Learned to visualize data using libraries like Matplotlib. Basic understanding of machine learning models, along with hands-on experience using platforms like Scikit-learn for model building and evaluation.
Python Developer Intern
BrainOvision•  June 2022 - September 2022•  Hyderabad
Gained a comprehensive understanding of Python concepts. Applied Python syntaxes and packages to address real-world challenges. Successfully completed a project demonstrating the skills learned.
Sir CR Reddy College of Engineering
Information Technology, B.Tech in Information Technology•  June 2020 - July 2024•  GPA: 7