Rahat Santosh




Problem Solving


rahatsanthosh has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Intern

    North Eastern Space Applications Centre•  April 2021 - July 2021

    -Worked on building a compiler system for satellite image processing on optimized geotiff images. Including implementing basic mathematical and statistical operations, convolutions, PCA and Random Forest models on the same. -Technologies/Tools: Python, GDAL, javascript, leaflet.js, scikit-learn, chart.js, CodeMirror, QGIS, PostgreSQL

  • Computer Vision Intern

    KoiReader Technologies•  January 2021 - April 2021

    - Leveraged clustering, dimensionality reduction, image processing and some deep learning techniques. - Technologies/Tools: Python, Tensorflow, Scikit-learn, OpenCV, PyTorch(DataLoaders)

  • Data Science Fellow

    Fellowship.AI•  September 2020 - December 2020

    Fellowship for machine learning and deep learning with an acceptance rate of around 6 percent. - Developed a deep learning application for classification of “doneness” of veggies in ovens. Involved in building and creation of the required dataset, using web scraping and further cycle-GAN. Implemented self supervised learning for the same task. - Worked on tagging and detecting spinal implants from x-ray images, and preparation of a data report for the same.- Collaborate with a geographically distributed team leveraging Agile/Scrum methodology. - Technologies/Tools: Python, Fastai, Numpy, Pandas, Pytorch, Google Collab, Jupyter Notebook, Platform.ai,Word Press,and Trello.


  • MIT, Manipal (Manipal Institute of Technology)

    Computer Science & Engineering, B.Tech•  2018


rahatsanthosh has not updated skills details yet.