pranjalpratapsi1 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Creationist Codes•  June 2021 - Present
Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology
Computer Science & Engineering, B.Tech•  December 2021 - Present
Activities and Societies: I am pursuing Currently my Bachelor's program in computer science engineering from PSIT COE. The journey so far has been remarkable. Semester One: Studied Mathematics 1, Engineering Chemistry, and did the lab practicals manually with understanding core concepts. Studied Basic Electrical Engineering with hands-on labs. I studied Programming solving with C with more than 40+ practical labs. Attended a college-based seminar about the Science of Happiness. I hosted the 26 January event with my fellow partner. Sem 2: COVID OUTBREAK Sem 3: Learnt Data Structures, Discrete Mathematics, Digital electronics.
pranjalpratapsi1 has not updated skills details yet.