Pramarth Pathak



Knowledgeable in various avenues of Python with ML&DL and Big data technologies.


Problem Solving


Work Experience

  • Lab Faculty

    CDAC Bangalore•  August 2020 - Present

    I am working as a lab trainer for CDAC Big Data Analytic students

  • Python Developer

    Technobeam•  August 2019 - July 2020

    I was responsible for designing and managing websites for Technobeam and its clients in Python and Django


  • CDAC Knowledge Park, Bangalore

    PG Diploma in Big Data Analytics, PG Diploma•  February 2019 - August 2019

    C-DAC, Bengaluru centre, is the 2nd of C DAC centres to be established in 1989 to carry-out research and deliver solutions and products in the area of System Software for PARAM series of super computers of C-DAC. PARAM Padma, housed at C-DAC's Terascale Supercomputing Facility (CTSF) is a result of its third mission project in High Performance Computing Technologies. The centre is highly acclaimed as a centre for excellence in the thematic areas of High Performance and Grid Computing, Cyber Security and Cyber Forensic, Professional Electronics, FOSS and Software Technologies, Language and Heritage Computing and Training

  • Indira Gandhi Engineering College

    Information Technology, BE•  June 2014 - December 2018


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