Arthur Pluymers



Développeur Web Junior @ ETNIC


pluyart has not unlocked any badges yet.


pluyart has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Web Developer Junior

    ETNIC•  November 2020 - March 2021

    Intership. Helped deploying the "portail des initiatives", did design on the front page and learned to use Drupal, Twig, Symfony and got proefficient in PHP.

  • Web Developer Junior

    BeCode Liège•  May 2020 - November 2020

    Web Dev bootcamp. Intensive, full time, 7 months-long learning and practising HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, MySQL, Wordpress, React, Node.JS through active pedagogy promoting self-learning and the acquisition of soft-skills through concrete projects and teamwork.


  • Ecole de Commerce et d'Informatique

    Software Engineering, MS•  September 2019 - Present

    Evening classes


pluyart has not updated skills details yet.