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Work Experience
Electrical Design Engineer
ASML• June 2019 - Present
Worked with team architect and module owners to lead the creation of electrical design diagrams. Functional Block Diagram detailing the subsystem’s signal flow from IO boards to transducer. Functional Overview Diagram detailing transducer physical locations. Cable Over Diagram detailing the system’s cable types and connectors between devices. Detailed Wiring Diagrams used for PCA schematic creation and cabling technical documentation. Negotiated with an international supplier on specifications for a serial communication interface data structure. Created a prototype MATLAB script replicating production software image processing functionality to demonstrate possible approaches to tooling. Created specifications document for a hardware and software testbench. Participated in cross sector design reviews.
Villanova University
Electrical Engineering, BS• August 2015 - May 2019
Mechatronics Minor Honors: magna cum lade (GPA: 3.78); Dean’s List Fall 2015, 2016, 2017; Spring 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
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