peterzung has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
City of Calgary•  January 2019 - Present
Team leader for building the ETA Tool for the City of Calgary. The ETA Tool is a web-app that aims to bring Calgary closer to Vision Zero (Zero casualties due to road traffic) by showing how lower speed limits can save lives while minimally impacting commute lengths. To this end, the web app projects changes in the estimated time of arrival (ETA) for commutes based on changes to speed limits on certain road segments. The tool helps Calgarians to stay better informed on how those speed limit changes would potentially affect their commutes by allowing for Calgarians to input their very own commute starting and end points. Responsible for the general vision of the web-app, communications with the client (City of Calgary), delegating tasks to team members, implementation of the calculation logic, Google Roads and Directions APIs, as well as connecting the Mongoose DB databases with the web-app. Worked with Heroku, JavaScript, Node.js, GIS, and Ajax under the Scrum Agile framework.
University of Alberta
Computing Science, BS•  September 2015 - April 2019
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