pavanrko34 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
Botree•  July 2020 - August 2020
->Studied the data about the mobile apps for associations and implemented it in designing App Development of Android OS for an association. ->Used Firebase Authentication SDK to save the user's data securely in the cloud and provide the same personalized experience across all of their devices. ->Used Fragments so that it is easier to reuse within activities and layouts and for better User Interface. ->Developed the app by using XML for front-end development and Kotlin for back-end development.
IIT BHU, Varanasi (Indian Institute of Technology)
Mining , B.Tech•  July 2017 - Present
TTWRJC Rajendranagar
Maths, Physical, Chemistry, 12th•  June 2015 - March 2017
pavanrko34 has not updated skills details yet.