Akshar Patel

United States



Problem Solving


Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    Intel Corporation•  January 2021 - Present

    • Backend Development: Implementing REST API for configurator web app to manage firmware configurations using C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, MongoDB • C Header File Parser: Developed a parser using C#, CppAst to compile and extract Enum constructs from uploaded header files and map Enum members to configurations with name same as Enum names, thus effectively replacing manual entries of Enum members with automatic importing. • Unit Testing: Creating and implementing Unit Tests for configurator web app backend using Xunit, AutoFixture, Moq.

  • Software Engineer

    Intel Corporation•  July 2019 - December 2020

    • Web Development: Developed a configurator web app to manage firmware configurations using Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, Kendo UI, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Python, Django, and SQL Server. • Compiler Construction: Developed a context free grammar and parser using Python, Ply for firmware configurations expressions of different data types. Implemented semantic analyzer for type checking. Built C language code generator to generate firmware build files from configurations. • Git Workflow Integration: Integrated Git Workflow to manage configurations with configurator web app using Python, Django, GitPython, Git, Bitbucket APIs, thus resulting in full automation of workflow and increase efficiency in managing changes to configurations by 90%. • Algorithm Design: Modeled different types of dependencies among different firmware configurations as Multi-Graph data structure and implemented optimized iterative Depth First Search to traverse the Multi-Graph to resolve dependencies.

  • Software Engineer

    Intel Corporation•  January 2019 - June 2019

    • Internal Tools: Developed an internal tool that automates Microsoft S2D Storage System benchmarking, data collection and analytics, data visualization using Python, PowerShell, Pandas, Numpy, andMatplotlib. • Web Development: Developed a web app that allows architects to manage and showcase different benchmarking workloads using Angular, Bootstrap, TypeScript, JavaScript, D3.js, Node JS, Express JS, and SQL Server.


  • California State University, Sacramento

    Computer Science, BS


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