Dhifallah Oussema



Software Engineer at Talan Consulting


Problem Solving
Days of Code


Work Experience

  • Freelance

    Cryptofoot•  March 2023 - June 2023

    Followed up on the already implemented features, and focused on integrating smart contract interactions from the Ethereum blockchain and implemented an integrated wallet where I interacted with both the server side application of the web app as well as the blockchain layer where the smart contracts were deployed on Ethereum blockchain KEYWORDS: Ethereum, Solidity, REST API, Javascript, React, NodeJs, ExpressJs.

  • Software Engineer

    Talan Consulting•  February 2023 - June 2023

    Graduation internship project where I provided a solution for the metaverse objects ownership using a standarized blockchain ownership ledger, And added the User generated content feature where users will be able to generate new Objects after going through a fully decentralized voting mechanism on the blockchain ( Decentralized Autonomous Organization ), this Solution tokenizes the metaverse objects into NFTs where the NFTs will later on be tradable on NFT Marketplace, and provides a read only API to make it easier for metaverse developers to integrate this solution to their already existing applications without the need to have technical knowledge about the blockchain KEYWORDS: MERN stack, Javascript, NFTs, Polygon, Etheruem, Solidity, Ganache, Truffle, Remix IDE, mocha.

  • Software Engineer

    Lightency•  June 2022 - February 2023

    Worked as a Web3 developer on the client-side website as well as a smart contract developer on Near Protocol and Celo chain using both rust and solidity in development as well as implementing and integrating smart contract interaction on React client-side app KEYWORDS: React, NodeJs, ExpressJs, Near Protocol, Ethereum, EVM, Blockchain, MERN stack, Solidity, Rust, Javascript


  • Université de Sfax

    Computer Science & Engineering


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