othonbatista has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Senior remote developer
Pagseguro•  May 2021 - Present•  São Paulo/SP-Brazil
Backend microservices in Java/Kotlin Spring Boot and some AWS lambda functions in Python, database (MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, SQLite, MongoDB, DynamoDB), message brokers (Kafka and Rabbit MQ), Git, Jenkins, K8S, AWS, Splunk. Unit and integration tests performed as a requirement for software pipelines.
Senior developer
Tele Town Hall Inc•  May 2022 - June 2023•  Chicago/USA
Backend in C++ ACE/TAO, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, MySQL database.
Senior developer
Act Digital (ex Altran)•  October 2020 - June 2022•  Campina Grande/PB-Brazil
Microservices in Dotnet core with AWS stack, nodeJS, PHP with Laravel, TypeScript, Javascript, Python, Java, C, C++, database (MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, SQLite, MongoDB, DynamoDB), hybrid mobile development with Ionic 4, React Native or Flutter, native iOS development in Swift. Unit and integration tests performed as a requirement for software pipelines.
Senior development
Sonda CTIS•  December 2019 - November 2020•  Campina Grande/PB-Brazil
PHP with Laravel, TypeScript, Javascript, Python, Java, C, C++, database (MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, SQLite), hybrid mobile development with Ionic 4, native iOS development in Swift and Objective-C. Use of: Docker, git, Sonarqube. Realization of unit tests and integration tests.
Universidade Federal da ParaÃba
Computer Science, MS•  June 1995 - June 1999•  Percentage: 90
Universidade Federal da ParaÃba
Computer Science, BS•  February 1990 - June 1995•  Percentage: 72