orangeMangoDimz has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Back End Developer
Diklatkerja•  February 2024 - Present•  West Java, Indonesia
1. Developed and delivered new features tailored to customer requirements. 2. Implemented a message broker system to enhance the notification feature. 3. Created and integrated REST APIs to support system functionalities. 4. Delivered a deployment service utilizing a server-based architecture.
Back End Developer
Kawan Kerja•  April 2024 - July 2024•  West Java, Indonesia
1. Building REST APIs, OAuth authentication system, pagination backend system 2. Using Express.js for the backend and MongoDB as the main database.
Teaching Assistant
Bina Nusantara University•  September 2022 - February 2023•  West Java, Indonesia
1. Teaching in total 240 students in Algorithm and Programming 2. 10 live teaching sessions and a GSLC 3. Learning website programing language: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Bootstrap, React JS, and Laravel
Universitas Bina Nusantara
Software Engineering, Bachelor•  August 2021 - Present•  CGPA: 3.65