Work Experience
Lead Full-Stack Developer
SquareOneJobs• April 2019 - Present
Led design and development of web app, mobile app, and backend from ideation to production resulting in over 100 organic user sign ups in 6 weeks with no formal marketing campaign. Tested web app and backend components using Jest to find and greatly reduce the amount of bugs before pushing to production. Iterated over new features with team through design sprints and built new features through development sprints - increasing overall productivity and efficiency of updates. Interviewed job seekers to gather pain points and first-hand user research - putting the user first in the creation of all new features.
Web Developer Teaching Assistant
Launchpad@Stevens• August 2020 - May 2022
Assisted in the creation of 20+ student-led startups. Conducted design sprints following the traditional design process and demonstrated tools like Figma and Adobe XD to aid students in creating mockups. Taught the fundamentals of web development, ReactJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, resulting in 5+ mobile and web applications built and released to production.
Stevens Institute of Technology
Computer Science & Engineering, BE• August 2018 - May 2022
Relevant Coursework: Applied Data Structures and Algorithms, Engineering Programming: Python, Database Management Systems (MySQL)
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