Work Experience
Business analyst
Mokalmat•  January 2019 - Present
Responsibilities: Planning and monitoring software agile projects Requirements management, communication and analysis Part time web developer.
Business intelligence developer
goodnews4me•  September 2017 - November 2018
Responsibilities: Generate dashboards and reports using SAP business intelligence tools (SAP IDT-SAP WebI) on Oracle database. Generate dashboards and reports using Oracle business intelligence publisher on Oracle database. I do a lot of fun stuff using R programming language such as: Shiny applications Desktop widget applications. Data cleaning.
IBM•  July 2016 - August 2016
Technologies/tools/languages used: The project was about building a parser to parse the WSDL files into more human readable kind of file. My role was manually testing the project IBM bluemix, Java.
Cairo University
Computer Information Systems, BS•  September 2013 - June 2017
Graduation project Smart meters data analytics web application. Smart meters are electronic devices that track and record customers' home electricity use, the web application is intended for the company of the smart meters to View all the data of any customer that own a smart meter Visualize the data with charts Check if there are issues at any place using a map with markers that show the places of the issues Show a heat map with all the consumptions of the smart meters Show a plot chart with outliers of the abnormal consumption Tools/Languages used: R is used for the manipulation of the data and generating the charts. RCaller is used as a bridge between R and Java. Google Maps API used for showing the maps. The web application is mainly built with HTML, CSS and Java. Databases are handled with MySQL. All the designs are made with Adobe Photoshop.
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