Work Experience
Back-end Developer Intern
Beijing TRS Information Technology• July 2019 - August 2019
● Coordinated with the requirements department to design, implement, operate and maintain MySQL. ● Wrote Python crawlers for data collection on more than ten websites including macroeconomic, meteorological, national and industry statistics. The target format included API, HTML, Excel, and PDF file. ● Typical libraries used: Request, BeautifulSoup, Selenium, Pandas, NumPy, Camelot, Xlrd and JSON. ● Combined Python with MySQL by using the library PyMySQL and stored the parsed data to the MySQL. ● Edited technical documents, explained the collected data and script, and used Gitlab for version control. ● Edited the monitoring template in Zabbix to monitor server operation.
University of Western Ontario
Computer Science, BS• September 2017 - Present
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