Work Experience
Software Engineer
Innotech•  September 2020 - Present
Project "Development of non-banking services" The non-banking services platform is designed to create an additional channel for attracting and servicing bank customers, generating additional sources of income from the bank's marginal products. Java 11, PostgreSQL, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Maven, Tomcat, flyway, Hibernate, Lombok, log4j, kafka Project management - jira Version control system - git + Bitbucket
Software Engineer
IT2G•  February 2019 - September 2020
1) Information System for Working with Appeals - designed to automate the activities of employees of the mayor's office and the Moscow government, executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their subordinate state institutions, aimed at receiving and processing applications from citizens and organizations. Java 11, PostgreSQL, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, maven, flyway, mybatis, Hibernate, Lombok, log4j, jira, git, jenkins 2) Information technology component of external interaction of the Automated Information System "Unified Information Space of Moscow Judges" Java 8, PostgreSQL, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Gradle, flyway, mybatis, Lombok, log4j, jira, git, jenkins 3) Comprehensive information system for monitoring and managing forces and assets) The system is designed to automate the processes of activity in response to incidents and emergencies in order to reduce material losses from incidents and emergencies in Moscow. Java 8, PostgreSQL, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Maven, Tomcat, Liquibase, JDBC, RabbitMQ, Lombok, log4j, jira, git, jenkins
Software Engineer
SimbirSoft•  October 2018 - February 2019
1) Project "Distributed information system (healthcare)" stack - Java 8, N2O, PostgreSQL, Spring, Maven, Tomcat, Liquibase, JPA/Hibernate. 2) Project "me" Corporate system of accounting of professional skills and competencies of employees of IT companies stack - Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Gradle, Lombok, PostgreSQL, Liquibase.
Software Engineer
Rubezh•  February 2015 - October 2018
Development and support of software "Firesec" for FSA "Rubezh" on delphi language
Software Engineer
Sinkross•  February 2014 - February 2015
Creation of projects of automated process control systems for security and fire alarm and fire extinguishing control KTS-2000 based on Allen-Bradley PLC in RSlogix 5000 programming environment;
Software Engineer
en-tech•  August 2011 - February 2014
Assembler language programming of microcontrollers C8051Fxxx (UART, SPI, SMBUS, work with LCD display);
Saratov State University
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, BS•  September 2006 - June 2011
Faculty of Nonlinear Processes, Radiophysics and Electronics
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