Mohamed Elsayed



Embedded Software Developer - AUTOSAR


Problem Solving
C language


Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    Technology and Strategy Engineering•  April 2022 - Present

    ZF JLR Project - Basic software scope OEM: JLR May 2022 - Dec 2022 Configure and test AUTOSAR BSW modules, CDDs and some MCAL modules for Aurix Tricore target, using Vector Davinci, Vector Canoe and some ZF tools like SABa Rte tool, IBM clear quest and IBM clear case and IBM DOORS for requirements management. Configure and test AUTOSAR Communication stack (CAN and Flexray based), Memory stack, Diagnostics (UDS and OBD) and system stack (MCU, Wdg, OS and SchM) for Aurix Tricore target. Using Lauterbach for debugging/testing, Write unit test code in C++. ⁣Mercedes-Benz Project - Basic software scope OEM: ⁣Mercedes-Benz Jan 2023 - recently - Vector Davinci Configurator {UDS DIDs and RIDs DCM configuration}. - Vector Davinci Configurator AUTOSAR Communication stack (CAN based), Memory stack manual configuration. - Network and Mode management configuration and testing (WakeUp/Shutdown Sequences and PNCs handling). - Vector Canoe-based simulation SW testing, and NTS testing. - SW debugging/testing using the Lauterbach environment. - Jira and Git tasks management and delivery.ZF JLR Project - Basic software scope OEM: JLR May 2022 - Dec 2022 Configure and test AUTOSAR BSW modules, CDDs and some MCAL modules for Aurix Tricore target, using Vector Davinci, Vector Canoe and some ZF tools like SABa Rte tool, IBM clear quest and IBM clear case and IBM DOORS for requirements management. Configure and test AUTOSAR Communication stack (CAN and Flexray based), Memory stack, Diagnostics (UDS and OBD) and system stack (MCU, Wdg, OS and SchM) for Aurix Tricore target. Using Lauterbach for debugging/testing, Write unit test code in C++. ⁣Mercedes-Benz Project - Basic software scope OEM: ⁣Mercedes-Benz Jan 2023 - recently - Vector Davinci Configurator {UDS DIDs and RIDs DCM configuration}. - Vector Davinci Configurator AUTOSAR Communication stack (CAN based), Memory stack manual configuration. - Network and Mode management configuration and testing (WakeUp/Shutdown Sequences and PNCs handling). - Vector Canoe-based simulation SW testing, and NTS testing. - SW debugging/testing using the Lauterbach environment. - Jira and Git tasks management and delivery. Skills: Operating Systems · Rte · AR Diagnostics · AR Networking · AUTOSAR · Embedded Systems · C++ · C (Programming Language)

  • Software Engineer

    Valeo•  July 2019 - March 2022

    Cairo, Egypt Model Based Design EngineerModel Based Design Engineer Jul 2021 - Mar 2022 · 9 mosJul 2021 - Mar 2022 · 9 mos ● PTS Model Based Engineer. ● OEMS: I worked on many projects for many OEMs like BMW and FCA. ● Microcontrollers: AURIX ● I worked on many projects related to Automotive power train systems in AUTOSAR and Model based areas using Davinci configurator and developer, many debuggers "UDE, Lauterbach and iSystem" and vector canoe tools, Matlab and simulink tools, some of these projects and my role on it: - GMG Project, BMW and FCA OEMs Configure, develop and test Application MBD models using Matlab and Simulink and generate the AUTOSAR code for them using Embedded coder based on the system requirements, and apply the verification, Integration and unit test for these models and the generated code for Automotive GMG system “Inverter”, follow ASPICE process and applying V-Model cycle. - DCDC Project, FCA, PSA OEMs DCDC is a Valeo Product, I worked on Model based for application scope using matlab and simulink, I worked on many activities in V cycle, as I implemented the product requirements on simulink, verify the models, run a unit test and integration test, finish the ASPICE SWE3 and SWE4 activities and perform a technical reviews for the project.● PTS Model Based Engineer. ● OEMS: I worked on many projects for many OEMs like BMW and FCA. ● Microcontrollers: AURIX ● I worked on many projects related to Automotive power train systems in AUTOSAR and Model based areas using Davinci configurator and developer, many debuggers "UDE, Lauterbach and iSystem" and vector canoe tools, Matlab and simulink tools, some of these projects and my role on it: - GMG Project, BMW and FCA OEMs Configure, develop and test Application MBD models using Matlab and Simulink and generate the AUTOSAR code for them using Embedded coder based on the system requirements, and apply the verification, Integration and unit test for these models and the generated code for Automotive GMG system “Inverter”, follow ASPICE process and applying V-Model cycle. - DCDC Project, FCA, PSA OEMs DCDC is a Valeo Product, I worked on Model based for application scope using matlab and simulink, I worked on many activities in V cycle, as I implemented the product requirements on simulink, verify the models, run a unit test and integration test, finish the ASPICE SWE3 and SWE4 activities and perform a technical reviews for the project. AUTOSAR Software EngineerAUTOSAR Software Engineer Jul 2019 - Jul 2021 · 2 yrs 1 moJul 2019 - Jul 2021 · 2 yrs 1 mo ● Geeds R&D Embedded (AUTOSAR) Software Engineer for 2 years. ● OEMS: I worked on many projects for many OEMs like GM. ● Microcontrollers: Infineon TriCore. ● I worked on many projects related to Automotive power train systems in AUTOSAR area using Davinci configurator and developer, many debuggers "UDE, Lauterbach and iSystem" and vector canoe tools. projects and my role on it: PATAC GlobalB Project, General motors Configure, develop and test AUTOSAR modules and application wrappers for Automotive IBSG system, follow ASPICE process and applying V-Model cycle: ● Configure and test the communication stack { Com, CanTp, CanIF, PduR, CanNM, CanSM, Can, Can Trcv}. ● Configure and test the system stack {ETAS OS, EcuM, BswM, NM}. ● Configure and test the cybersecurity stack{CryShe, CSM and GM SUMs Application modules}. ● Configure and test the Diagnostics {ISO UDS and OBD, Dem}. ● Configure and test the memory stack {NVM and Fee}. IBSG PSA Here I just applied some ASPICE process steps and some changes in AUTOSAR communication stack.


  • Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria

    Electrical Engineering, BE•  September 2015 - June 2019


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