Artur Modesto



Senior Software Engineer


Problem Solving
Days of JS


Work Experience

  • Senior Angular Developer

    Hauz House•  July 2015 - Present

    Working as independent contractor and freelancer: Current Contract: Confidential Client - The platform I work on consists of Angular + Python (FastAPI) of which I am responsible for the frontend repository. I work under the agile work methodology (SCRUM) fulfilling the daily, review, planning, retro ceremonies where we produce, refine, plan the stories, the screens are produced on the task attachment. The service layer calls to the backend points are produced from a combination with the backend team (request and response). Once the story is completed, I deploy the DOCKER container to JENKINS, which I send to XLRelease to perform the KUBERNET deploy in AKS in the SIT environment after the build has passed on the treadmill successfully, I call the QA team that the new feature is available in the development environment for testing, if any bugs appear I always prioritize it to make a quick fix. Always at the end of the sprint we promote the development build for approval and then for production via SERVICENOW. Unit tests are written with KARMA or JEST and end-to-end with PROTRACTOR or CYPRESS. New features are created in github according to GIT FLOW. In BACKEND freelance development I use NodeJS following the MVC standard and creating the DAO in the persistence layer that is linked to MongoDB exposing its data by endpoint routes. The control and modeling of MongoDB collections are done through Studio 3T. The deployment is configured via GITHUB ACTIONS which triggers AWS EC2 to build the BACKEND application's DOCKER container, if the API stores images and/or files, they would be sent to AWS BUCKET S3. In FULLSTACK freelance development I usually join Angular + Node, but I have the necessary skills to produce Angular + Python (FastAPI), Angular + Java

  • Software Engineer

    NEW//IT•  October 2015 - December 2016

    Was active in the development of websites, Hybrid mobile applications, Marketing landing-page, Campaigns integrations (SalesForce), E-commerce (Magento, WooCommerce), and systems or eCommerce, in general, that may be sued.

  • Bussines Consultant

    Agencia Pingo no I•  June 2013 - July 2015

    Responsible for prospecting, funding, and closing new accounts for the agency. Participation in aid of the development of the agency's IT, among it the implementation of online payment modules, development of WEB system budgets for external consultants, food database, Mindmap of the meeting with the directors, also acted in aid distribution tasks for development, email marketing shots.


  • FIAP

    Software Engineering, B.Tech•  January 2015 - January 2017

    Develop and maintain Java systems and Microsoft .NET / C#, using object-oriented analysis (UML), relational databases. Create applications using internet standards, frameworks and language for web development. Being a manager with leadership skills, negotiation and project management using best market practices (PMI, SCRUM, XP, Cobit, SixSigma, SOX, ITIL and CMMI). Manage, analyze and implement solutions involving advanced components on application servers.


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