Mazzie Lafa



Web Developer


Problem Solving


mazzieola has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Web Developer

    Freelance Web Developer•  September 2021 - Present

    Developing websites for two different beauty brands in the UK, in which clients will be able to book their appointments directly. Website created using the React Library, along with CSS, Bootstrap, HTML, React Hooks, MySQL, Node.js.

  • Student

    CodeOp•  July 2021 - September 2021

    Developed three full stack applications using technologies such as, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, REST APIs, Fetch, Reactjs, Vuejs, MySQL and Nodejs. Final project included creating an app for women in the London area who would like to travel to their respective destinations together. We created this using React, Google Maps Api, Authentication and Authorisation. Designed the web page using a mix of CSS, Canva and Bootstrap. Understanding the fundamentals of JavaScript.

  • Career Advisor

    The PowerMBA•  January 2021 - May 2021

    Advised potential students during their pre-enrolment phase in order to identify their skills gap. Promoted their current MBA program to the English speaking market with students registering every month. Compiled and sorted student data and information using Salesforce daily along with conducting follow up calls.

  • Compliance Officer

    Selectra•  January 2019 - December 2020

    Acting Head of Compliance during an interim period as the UK department grew from 30 staff to 200 safe in the space of 7 months. Learned basic CRM and database systems such as Zoho, pulling provider’s customer information data for daily reports. Used advanced Excel to create sales agents compliance sheets, giving each agent their daily compliance score and how they could improve call quality.


  • CodeOp

    Full Stack Development Bootcamp, Certificate•  July 2021 - September 2021

  • The Open University

    Language Studies, BA (Hons)•  February 2015 - June 2018

    Spanish & French Studies


mazzieola has not updated skills details yet.