marcelocorreia11 has not unlocked any badges yet.
marcelocorreia11 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Analyst infrastructure
MadeiraMadeira•  June 2018 - Present
Intern IT
MadeiraMadeira•  July 2018 - September 2019
• Support for internal employees • Support to resolve Customer issues. • Responsible for managing tickets, following the company process to open, follow up and close after a provided solution.
Analyst support
SYKES•  December 2017 - July 2018
Technical Support Agent at Dell Brazil. • Support to Customer Consumer Class. • Support to resolve Customer issues. • Responsible for managing tickets, following the company process to open, follow up and close after a provided solution. • Be ownership of customer troubleshooting. • Support to software and hardware issues. • Realize remote access to resolve softwares issue. • Open called technical to resolve hardware issue.
Universidade Positivo
Computer Information Systems, BS•  February 2018 - July 2020
Software development, analyze, design, implement, update information systems, document, diagnose problems and propose improvements based on computer systems. Properly apply computational resources (hardware and software). Design and implement information systems in line with organizations' strategic objectives. Produce software using appropriate methods and techniques and aiming to achieve essential software attributes
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