makwanaashish671 has not unlocked any badges yet.
makwanaashish671 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
Codiot Technologies LLP•  February 2023 - Present•  Ahmedabad, India
This company has enhanced my coding skills and provided valuable insights into daily corporate life. Worked on projects like Clinic Management and Movie Rental using React js, Node js, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.
Summer Internship - Web Developer
InfolabZ•  June 2022 - August 2022•  Ahmedabad, India
Started my first corporate experience in web development, focusing on React js and some HTML and CSS.
Government Engineering College, Gandhinagar
BE - Information Technology•  July 2019 - July 2023•  CGPA: 7.96
KV Science Sankul, Gariyadhar
HSC - Science•  July 2017 - June 2019•  Percentage: 74.95