L. B. Justisia Manik






lumonggab28 has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Data Research Analyst

    Data Science Indonesia•  April 2021 - Present

    1. Did several tasks: data cleaning, data integration, data transformation, and data reduction (dimension reduction). | Tool: Google Sheet. 2. Analyzed the event's data and created the dashboard. | Tool: Google Data Studio. 3. Created a data pipeline for the dashboard as data standardization, content for publication (Medium), evaluation for Data Science Indonesia's event registration form, and create an elevator pitch. 4. Delivered the dashboard to Data Science Indonesia's Members in Discord Voice Room (open for public): How to Visualize The Data with Google Data Studio.

  • Data Research Analyst

    Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (DISKOMINFO) Kabupaten Kutai Timur•  July 2020 - September 2020

    Student Social Services - (University's Program) 1. Analyzed, and created visualizations and infographics about Covid-19 cases (July to August 2020) in Kutai Timur, East Kalimantan. | Tools: R, Microsoft Excel, Gravit Designer, and Tableau. 2. Created infographics about the new normal and find and collect pieces of information about SMEs in Kutai Timur, East Kalimantan.

  • Student Intern

    PT. PLN Batam•  January 2020 - February 2020

    Department of Planning, Performance, and Risk Management (PPRM). Job description: 1. Analyzed the performance of a service or product using analytical tools such as Microsoft Excel, Tableau, PowerBI, and R. 2. Identified the users and what their needs are based on the data. 3. Did the research and provided recommendations to support the formulation of both short-term and long-term strategic plans. 4. Collected, collated, cleansed, and interpreted the data to derive meaningful and actionable insights. 5. Final report title: The application of One-Way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis to Analyze PT. PLN Batam's Revenue.


  • Universitas Islam Indonesia

    Statistics, B.Sc•  September 2017 - Present

    1. Finalist at Sebelas Maret Statistics Fair 2020 (Writing Competition | Online | Title: Implementasi Metode Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) dan Metode K-Medoids Clustering dalam Menganalisis Potensi Kelapa Sawit di Indonesia) 2. Semifinalist at Statistics Festival Universitas Gadjah Mada 2020 (Statistics Essay Competition | This competition has been postponed due to conditions | Title: APLIKASI K-MEANS CLUSTERING UNTUK PENGELOMPOKAN WILAYAH DI INDONESIA BERDASARKAN PROPORSI PENGETAHUAN KEMUDAHAN AKSES KE RUMAH SAKIT) 3. Presenter at SENATIK V (Online | Title: Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pengamalan Nilai Taklim Pada Mahasiswa UII Menggunakan Regresi Logistik Ordinal) 4. Student tutor (Statistical Mathematics 1 and Statistics of Method 1) to freshmen for mid-test and final exam. 5. GPA: 3.61


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