Work Experience
Senior Software Engineer
Inetum•  June 2022 - January 2023
Software Engineer
Gobierno Regional de Puno•  October 2020 - December 2021
Develop Web Applications with functionalities like budgets, reports, and statistical graphs, using Agile Methodologies in the process, with the following technologies. Front-End: React, Webpack,HTML, CSS,User Interface Design Responsive. Back-End: Node JS, Socket. io, REST APIs. DB: MySQL, Mongo DB
Software Engineer
sigobras•  September 2019 - July 2020
Managed new functionalities for the hotel management system. Managed new functionalities for the touristic management system. Managed new functionalities facturation system of 5 companies. Technologies used were WordPress and Php, using the AWS S3 Flutter
Software Engineer
sigobras•  January 2019 - July 2019
Develop Web Applications with functionalities like budgets, reports, and statistical graphs, using Agile Methodologies in the process, with the following technologies. Front-End: React, Webpack,HTML, CSS,User Interface Design Responsive. Back-End: Node JS, Socket. io, REST APIs. DB: MySQL, Mongo DB
Universidad Nacional del Altiplano
Computer Science, BS•  January 2013 - July 2019
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