ludefice has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Senior Software Engineer
Ericsson•  October 2017 - October 2024
Developed a complex 5G feature interaction driven test framework using C and Python. Wrote Python scripts to generate C test cases from YAML files. Maintained 4G/LTE and 5G/NR feature parity between a radio base station product and a wireless network simulator tool.
Systems Engineer
D-TA•  June 2016 - September 2017
Created an end to end radar scenario testing system using MATLAB. Wrote a GUI in C++ for server communications. Implemented a C++ program for setting OS time based on NMEAGPS timestamps.
Software Development Co-op
Ericsson•  September 2013 - September 2014
Created a large scale full stack automated test suite using Java.
Carleton University
Masters (MaSc.) in Electrical and Computer Engineering•  September 2015 - September 2017•  CGPA: 10.2