Lorenzo Mazzarotto



Though our intellect strives for clarity, our nature is drawn to ambiguity.


Days of Code


lorenzomzrot has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Trainee

    ExxonMobil•  January 2020 - Present

    Create and support a productive and innovative team. This includes working with peers, managers, and teams. Develop scripts to automate routine tasks. Analyze information and evaluate results to choose the best solution to effectively solve challenges. Apply knowledge gained in computer science courses to real world challenges.


  • Universidade Positivo

    Information Systems, BS•  January 2017 - Present

    Provides solid skills in managing software services, databases, web solutions, and data networks. Multimedia, programming and IT security are covered in the study program. In addition, the program also includes economics, marketing and business life.


lorenzomzrot has not updated skills details yet.