Work Experience
Contributor - Software Engineer | Technical Writer
Gitcoin• May 2020 - Present
HTML | CSS | Bootstrap | React | React Native | Ethereum | Polygon (matic) | Blockchain | NFT | yarn | npm | shell | Swift
Software Engineer
Pierce Washington• October 2014 - December 2017
HMTL | CSS | JavaScript | jQuery | BML | BMQL | XSL | XSLT | SOAP | REST | Python | Django | Git
Developer Operations Consultant
Facebook• April 2014 - August 2014
Android Debug Bridge | iOS Simulator | AppleScript | Bash Scripting | FB Internal Tools
IT Consultant's Assistant
Net-K Consulting• July 2007 - September 2009
HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Master Pages
University of Oregon
Computer Science, BS• September 2008 - January 2014
Business Communication - WR 321 | Computer Ethics - CIS 490 | Computer Organization - CIS 314 | Computer and Network Security - CIS 433 |Database Processing - CIS 451| Intermediate Algorithms - CIS 315 | Intermediate Data Structures - CIS 313 |Intro to Computer Networks - CIS 432 | Operating Systems - CIS 415 | Principles of Programming Languages -CIS 425 | Probabilistic Methods - CIS 410 | Software Methodology - CIS 422 | UNIX System Administration - CIS 399 | UO Eugene Luks Programming Competition | UO Juilfs Programming Contest
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