Luke Dias



Software Engineer


Problem Solving


lhollowwizard has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    Zerezes•  January 2022 - Present

    - Design, Develop and Maintain scalable and clean projects; - Using AWS for Logging and Queueing with SQS, while using Workers; - Develop systems for internal areas, such as logistics, and systems for consumers; - Monitor performance while maintaining the code clean; - Develop Unit Tests for maintaining applications;

  • Software Engineer

    Stone•  January 2021 - January 2022

    - Develop and Maintain new functionalities - Responsible for developing highly crucial systems - Monitoring application's performances - Documenting changes - Deploy System into Production focusing on Application's Performance


  • Universidade Estácio de Sá

    Software Engineering, BS•  October 2020 - Present

  • Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    Computer Science, BS•  January 2018 - February 2020

    Stopped studying there due to covid pandemic.


lhollowwizard has not updated skills details yet.