Moez Bouhlel



Back-End Development Engineer @ TIK


Problem Solving
Days of Code


lejenome has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    Technology Innovation Network•  August 2017 - Present

    • Defined, designed, developed, and rolled out web services using Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Celery, Redis, and Docker for 2 clients • Created a JavaScript SDK for the APIs. Worked along with UI/UX developers to implement a web app using Vue.js and Nuxt.js • Migrated a legacy monolith code to a multi-tenant and microservice-oriented architecture. Using Golang / Gin and Python / FastAPI • Automated deployment pipelines with Python / Fabric. Managed bare servers and VMs provisioning with Ansible / Terraform • Leveraged the power of SystemD, Linux Namespaces, and Cgroups to implement a secure, scalable, and high-performance stateless microservices runtime without the overhead of VMs and Docker • Highly organized, detail-oriented, able to work under tight deadlines. Wrote tech specifications meeting client requirements • Technologies: Python, Django, Golang, Gin, TypeScript, Vue.js, Nuxt.js

  • Software Developer Intern

    Djagora•  February 2017 - July 2017

    • Developed RESTful Web services using PHP, Laravel, and Lumen • Used MS BI tools to process real-time streams sent from mobile devices and IoT sensors • Rolled out a Web dashboard to visualize near real-time multi-layer geographic data using JavaScript ES6 • Implemented an offline-first data synchronization service for an Android app


  • Faculty of Sciences of Sfax

    Computer Science, BS•  2014 - 2017


lejenome has not updated skills details yet.