Work Experience
Full-stack Intern
Vietnam Blockchain Corporation• August 2022 - December 2022
Built a simplified Bridge App to transfer Native, ERC20 (FT), and ERC721 (NFT) tokens between 2 Ethereum Chains, through different approaches (Authorized Admin, Auto approval, Signature). Wrote and deployed Ethereum Smart Contracts (Solidity) to handle conversion logic. Built a Front-end website (ReactJS) from a given design and Back-end server (NodeJS, connected to MongoDB) to handle users' accounts and interaction with Smart Contract. Deployed the App on VBS (Ubuntu 22.04) with Docker. Researched the basics of P2P, Consensus Algorithm; and created a simple private blockchain with Hyperledger Besu (IBFT 2.0).
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne
Computing and Software Systems, BS• January 2023 - Present
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