Work Experience
Software Engineer (Volunteer - Fullstack)
Earth Hero• February 2024 - Present• Chicago, USA
Building EarthHero to create a platform that mobilizes climate groups to create a community of change-makers.
Full Stack Engineer
Sarabi Startup Studio• January 2023 - February 2024• Nairobi, Kenya
Modified Mula$afi, a Kenya-focused sports platform, by improving its UI and changing the B2C and C2B payments module from Ethereum to MPesa.
Software Engineering Trainee
Moringa School• July 2022 - January 2023• Nairobi, Kenya
Led a capstone group-based full-stack e-commerce application project.
Junior Software Developer (Intern)
Kenya Vehicle Manufacturers (KVM)• January 2019 - December 2019• Thika, Kenya
Revamped the Kenya Vehicle Manufacturers Company website.
Junior Software Engineer (Intern)
Tea Machinery & Engineering Company (TEMEC)• January 2018 - December 2018• Nairobi, Kenya
Took on the challenge of redesigning TEMEC's official website.
Moringa School
Certificate in Software Engineering• July 2022 - January 2023
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering• September 2015 - July 2022
Mangu High School
High School Diploma (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education)• January 2011 - November 2014