jrs_ninja has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
Step Up IT•  November 2018 - Present
Step Up IT & Training Institute is kind of my home , where i started professional coding as an android developer before my Computer Science study started . Currently there is more then 15 developer expert in many area of software Engineering . I lead a team of 3 people to develop android applications client side . Have experience in Android Studio , JAVA , JSON , Various kinds of API and design concept .
Varendra university , Rajshahi , Bangladesh
Computer Science, BS•  May 2019 - Present
Currently I'm in computer science and trying to learn basic fundamental things of computer Science .
Rajshahi Collegiate School and College
Science, HSC ( Higher Secondary School Certificate)•  May 2013 - April 2015
Boys College !! One of my love . Lots of friends with beautiful heart . Love my college where I studied science ( Physics , ICT , Chemistry , Biology , Mathematics ) .
jrs_ninja has not updated skills details yet.