jrmsmolina54 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
Forteinnovation•  October 2022 - Present
To develop the backend for banck system API using hexagonal Architecture. Functions is to define the data model for the users and customers and code the adapters for sing in.
Software Engineer
Shopify•  September 2022 - December 2022
Freelancer in python: It is a bot which navigate into the web pages in order to increase the number of visitors from a google search. It also do a queries in the webpage and answer the surveys of the webpage in order to increase the NPS number of customer satisfaction. All configuration occurs in a web page and also do webscrapping for gather benchmark from competitors.
Software Engineer
howden•  May 2021 - June 2022
Freelancer in python: It is a web app in which aid the project management of the company, it uses the MySQL data base for storing the projects, clients, task and progress of the projects and helps to the managers and customers to see in deep the detail of each project. This app also provide a reports with statistics and extract the history log revision for doing RCA. It is supply chain steel forecast, in which the app was based on webscraping the vendors prices and availability and correlationate with the demand in the ERP of the company. The result is the purchasing suggestion of how many and which target prices to purchase to which vendor.
Software Engineer
ITT•  May 2020 - May 2021
Freelancer Embedded: It is the firmware for a machine which detect the values from several sensors and send these data values to a database and then process the information into clean plots to provide the machine trend and evaluate the predictive maintenance.
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)
mechatronics, BS•  August 2003 - May 2008
Mechatronic engineer focus on the automation and control systems, also on instrumentation and remote measurement systems
jrmsmolina54 has not updated skills details yet.