Joshua Minien

United Kingdom





joshua_minien191 has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • DevOps consultant

    Devoteam•  January 2022 - September 2023•  London

    Worked for a European consultancy; two key client projects were for the London Stock Exchange within a team of four members; the first was the implementation of a service pipeline of tools which included ServiceNow, DataDog, Rundeck, Infoblox and BigPanda; the second was an IT service improvement project; improvements lead to a £100,000 annual saving; internal projects included a data pipeline for Amazon Connect call centre data, GitLab Pipelines, AWS-Google SSO integration, and container platforms for AWS ECS and EKS; reported to the head of AWS Cloud Engineering.

  • Operations Engineer

    Luminance Technologies Ltd•  April 2021 - December 2021•  Cambridge

    Worked for a mid-sized technology company within a team of eleven members; running the technical operations for cloud instances for clients to use different Machine Learning software products via Web applications; reported to the Head of Technical Operations.


  • Imperial College London, London

    Mathematics, MS•  October 2023 - September 2024•  GPA: 3.53

    Modules: Probability, Statistical Inference, Computational Statistics, Applied Statistics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Mathematical foundations of Machine Learning, Data Science, and Big Data Data science project: Survey of Naives-Bayes, k nearest neighbours, standard, convolutional, and graph neural network supervised algorithms to perform image classification tasks Masters’ project: Developed a pipeline that generates persistent homology representations of cancer cell image data which uses supervised and semi-supervised convolutional neural networks to classify the immune cells

