Jose Miguel Tebar Docon






josemitd has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Senior Software Engineer

    ASAITEC / CIPAL SCHAUBROECK (Remote) •  July 2018 - Present

    I work on the evolution and maintenance of the tax management system of the Belgian public administrations. I lead the construction of an internal employee management tool. From scratch, we created a RESTFul API for the backend and an Angular 7 application for the frontend. MAIN TASKS: â–ª Definition of the REST API architecture. Construction and publication of microservices configuring Jenkins and Docker â–ª UI develop with Angular 7 â–ª Construct transversal functionalities and the bases of the applications. Implement the most complex tasks. â–ª Responsible of Spanish developer team (4 people). Scrum master and product owner basic tasks. Technologies: Java 8, DB2, Spring Data JPA, Spring 4, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, API RESTFul, Maven, Felix, OSGi Runtime, Vaadin, JUNIT, TDD, Jenkins, Docker.

  • Technical Leader / Analyst-developer

    VECTOR ITC GROUP•  February 2014 - July 2018

    CREDIT ANDORRÀ ▪ API RESTFul. I work in the definition and construction of the API RESTFul for public some bank's services and internal functionalities. Based on microservices architecture with Java 8 and Spring Boot. ▪ SMM (Multi-paid mobile service). I lead the construction of a REST API to provide corebanking services to an Android application. With it, customers can make payments with NFC. We also build an IdP (Identity provider) that is responsible of customer's authentication under the standard OpenID. ▪ 3DSecure. Leader of the construction of the system to perform the identification of credit card's owner during online payment process sending a password by SMS. The application integrates with the RedSys payment gateway. ▪ New eCredit. I am involved in the construction of the Credit Andorra's customers home banking with Agile methodology using the Scrum framework. We build a portal based on Liferay developing Portlets and integrating the current corebanking services. ISBAN ▪ Console. Construction and implementation of the "Consola" application using JIRA as a base. It allows the management and control of the entire life cycle of the projects to those responsible for Isban. The application is integrated with external services numbers such as Sharepoint and LDAP. DGT ▪ Sanctioning procedure. Manager of the team responsible of the maintenance and evolution of the sanctions management system for the public Spain traffic management. We work with several web applications and web services with batch processes. MAIN TASKS: ▪ Taking requirements, known the needs of the client and organizing ideas. ▪ Analyse and determine what technologies use in the construction of applications. ▪ Construct transversal functionalities and the bases of the applications. Implement the most complex tasks. ▪ Liferay portal administrator. Definition of permits, profiling, etc. ▪ Responsible for Sprint Reviews and production deployments. I supervise deliveries of code, documentation, etc. Technologies: Java 7, DB2, Hibernate, JPA, Spring 4, Spring security, Spring Boot, RESTFull, OpenID, JWT, Maven, JSP, JQuery, Liferay, JAX-WS, Atlassian SDK, SharePoint, LDAP, Jasper Reports, Tomcat 7, Websphere (WAS).

  • Software Analyst - Senior Developer

    VECTOR SOFTWARE FACTORY•  December 2011 - February 2014

    VECTOR ITC ▪ Development and implementation of JIRA. I participate in the process of implementing JIRA in the company. I perform the analysis and development of plugins and widgets with the Atlassian SDK. I work with configuration and administration for adapt the tool to internal management processes. CREDIT ANDORRÀ ▪ Payments by e-mail. I lead the construction of a module in Credit Andorrà's home banking that allows doing payments via email through the SERMEPA payment gateway (REDSYS). INDITEX ▪ Absenteeism management. I participate in development of a complex system to manage the absences of all employees of the Inditex group. ▪ Arrangement manager. I lead the construction of the clothing arrangement management system for the stores of all brands of Inditex group. I participate in all phases of the project; from the taking requirements to the start of production. ▪ Customer master. Construction of the customer master of the Inditex group. It is a system for store the information of customers who come to the stores in order to commercially exploit it. MAIN TASKS ▪ Requirements taking, functional and technical analysis of the systems. Responsible of projects develop. ▪ Analysis and proposal of technologies to be used in the projects. Management of documentation and customer processes. ▪ Implementation of the most complex parts of the applications. Development of dynamic reports with Jasper Reports. ▪ Task management and support to development team. (Waterfall Methodology) Technologies: DB2, PostgreSQL, Hibernate, Spring 3, Axis2, Atlassian JIRA SDK, Groovy, Tiles, JQuery, Jasper Reports, Tomcat 7, Websphere (WAS), Sermepa.

  • Senior Software Engineer

    VECTOR SOFTWARE FACTORY•  April 2009 - December 2011

    INDITEX ▪ Insurance management. I work in evolutionary developments in insurance management system of Inditex group. ▪ Stores master. Maintenance and evolution of the Unified Store Master application of INDITEX. ▪ TEMPE information system (SIT). Maintenance and evolution of the company's internal management tool. Performed the tasks of inventory, management of suppliers, orders, etc. CREDIT ANDORRÀ ▪ eCredit Phase IV. I participate in phase IV migration of the Credit Andorrá's home banking for clients (eCredit) to new technologies. Integration between the application and core banking (AVALOQ). Technologies: DB2, AS400, Hibernate, Avaloq, Struts, Struts 2, Spring 2.5, Spring 3, Axis 2, STXX, Tiles, JSP, JavaScript, JQuery, GWT, Tomcat, Websphere (WAS), Livelink.

  • Junior Developer

    VECTOR SOFTWARE FACTORY•  April 2007 - April 2009

    Corrective and evolutive maintenance of multiple kind of Web applications for Spanish public administrators. Most important job was building a file Explorer for XEROX Printers. It was a J2EE application that navigated through a document repository implementing the Xerox API. It was running on XEROX printers. It served for the company to reach the partner contract with XEROX. Technologies: Java 1.5, Struts, JSP, Hibernate, JavaScript, XEROX-SDK


  • Udemy Online platform

    ANGULAR 7 (formerly Angular 2) - The Complete Guide, MS•  April 2019 - April 2019

  • Cloud Couchers


  • Salesforce University

    SALESFORCE CERTIFIED ADMINISTRATOR (ADM201), MS•  September 2017 - October 2017

  • Nanfor Ibérica

    Certification JAVA SE 7 PROGRAMMER I, MS•  December 2014 - December 2014

  • I.E.S. Leonardo DaVinci

    C.F.G.S. Administration of computer systems, MS•  September 2004 - March 2007


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