Work Experience
Programming Analyst
Volskwagen Financial Services•  September 2020 - Present•  Barcelona, Spain
Development of a new electronic archive for associated companies to manage all the documentation generated during operations, replacing a third-party document manager (OpenText) that charged high licenses cost for its use.
Backend Developer
SAYTEL, S.A.•  August 2019 - September 2020•  Barcelona, Spain
Development of calculation module in time bags for time control. API development for communicate with biometric access control devices (Suprema Biostar).
Specialist in Support, Training and Developer
Microinvest•  November 2017 - March 2019•  SofÃa, Bulgaria
Implementation and deployment of various software for the sale of products and services in stores, restaurants and nightclubs. Development and adaptation of software, as well as its translation into Spanish.
Senior Specialist in Computer Science
Almacenes Universales, S.A.•  January 2017 - March 2018•  Havana, Cuba
Development of new functionalities of the CONDES software and diversification of this in multiple entities of the company, as well as the deployment in the Zone of Logistics Activities Stage II (ZALI).
Specialist B in Computer Science
Almacenes Universales, S.A.•  September 2015 - December 2016•  Havana, Cuba
Implementation and start-up of new functionalities for the CONDES software for its exploitation by the joint venture CARILOG.
Specialist C in Computer Science
Almacenes Universales, S.A.•  September 2014 - August 2015•  Havana, Cuba
Design, implementation and deployment of the CONDES software for the Logistics Activities Zone Stage I (ZALI) in the Mariel Special Development Zone.
Centro de Informática Profesional (CIPSA)
Master in web programming with Java 2EE•  June 2019 - June 2021
Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas (UCI)
Computer Science Engineer•  September 2009 - August 2014