jonchurui has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Principal Software Engineer
Raytheon Co.•  January 2019 - Present
Johns Hopkins University
Computer Science, MS•  May 2016 - August 2019
• Course work: Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, Real-Time Embedded Systems, Cloud Computing, Database Systems, Data Structures, Computer Organization, Computer Architecture, Software Engineering, Algorithms, and Kinematics & Dynamics of Robotics. • Used Python to implement Machine Learning algorithms for Bayesian decision making, decision trees, neural networks, Markov decision processes, and reinforcement learning. • Used Java language for projects such as creating inverted file and ranking/classification systems for a search engine. Implemented learning/training models including Naive Bayes to classify data while experimenting with different data dictionary terms such as utilizing kNN and n-grams. • Used Amazon Web Services (AWS) to launch highly scalable web applications that can be used in multiple regions. Set up VPCs with private subnets to isolate databases with proprietary information. • Collaborated with teammates to complete documentation including project plans, Gantt charts, work breakdown structures (WBS), vision documents, use cases, and design architecture. Worked in an Agile development environment with the use of Scrum processes and worked to deadlines using sprint iterations. • Designed databases using MySQL software and created the database for an ecommerce website that allowed users to query for data using SQL commands. Also created a music database with GUI and simulator for products such as vending machines. • Used MATLAB and matrix mathematics to calculate and plot the trajectories of robotic arm movements.
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