jonatasfontele has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Scientific initiation scholarship holder
LCC - UECE•  January 2018 - September 2020
Research lines: - Alternative modeling, exact and heuristic resolutions for heterogeneous enabled clustering problems. - A column generation application for the heterogeneous enabled clustering problem using GPUS. - Analysis of route problems for geoprocessing using Python scripts and the QGIS tool. - Analysis of groupings based on Euclidean distance for sectors and circuits of route problems. - Data Mining: algorithms and data processing. - Models and optimization methods for heterogeneous clustering problems and arcing routing. - SimuLInova: a simulation tool for assessing the evolution of gains with innovation (evolutionary and genetic algorithms in Java).
Marketing and web developer
Acens•  December 2012 - February 2014
- Prospecting customers and maintaining visual identity; - Newsletter and partnerships; - Web development: HTML, CSS, PHP, CodeIgniter, MySQL, Wordpress, Scrum and Git.
UECE State University of Ceará
BACHELOR OF COMPUTER SCIENCE•  January 2011 - December 2024
Participation in academic centers, junior companies, scientific initiation and presentations at university week. Publication in Portuguese: Dourado, JF et al. (2021) Geoprocessamento das vias de varrição de regiões de uma cidade usando a ferramenta QGIS. p. 1-388. Obs.: there was a pause.